July 18, 1936


“There are few well-dressed women in Hollywood, avers Bernard Newman, de- signer-in-chief to RKO Radio. "There is no incentive to dress well because of the lack of functions, night clubs and theaters. Many of the stars, unfortunately, are not interested in clothes. 

"Katharine Hepburn, for Instance, would far rather wear a shirt and a pair of slacks than the fanciest, most feminine creation in the world. She lives only for her work. Kay , Francis is not over-interested in clothes, but in spite of this manages to achieve a chic effect with everything she wears. Ginger Rogers is a little more dress-minded than she used to be and now spends several hours a day before her picture work discussing clothes with me. Carole Lombard stands alone in the fashion field with the exception of a dress discovery of my own Lucille Ball. 

If duplicates of the same dress were given Miss Lombard, Marlene Dietrich, Kay Francis and Lucille Ball, the comparatively unknown Miss Ball would win first prize on the score of chic from Mr. Newman.’ According to the designer. Miss Ball will one day be the best dressed girl in Hollywood for the reason she has one of the best figures, coupled with that certain something that made the late Lilyan Tashman queen of Hollywood’s fashion kingdom. 

Because of this belief, Mr. Newman has taken it upon himself to supply Miss Ball with all the evening gowns, furs, etc., she requires when dining, wining and dancing, from the lavish supply belonging to the studio. 

New Frock Made of Crepe.

A GLIMPSE into the wardrobe of this paragon of dress-sense might be a profitable expenditure of time. Cleverly fashioned . collar and cuffs of starched white pique are used to trim Miss Balls newest street frock of satin-backed crepe. The entire skirt fullness of the simple dress is concentrated in the center front, as though caught in place by the gold and Jet belt buckle. The black felt hat is worn over the cap veil. Accessories are black suede, the handbag featured by gold initials and chain. 

White fox, one of the most flattering and luxurious of furs, has been chosen by Lucille for her newest formal cape. The wrap is waist-length, fastening in front with an Intricate knot of white silk. With it she wears a wine red silk dinner gown printed in a pattern of stylized gold fans. 

Hollywood’s best-dressed girl boasts a gown created of hunter green imported mohair taffeta printed with tiny rings of white. The three-quarter short-sleeved coat wean over it is white sharkskin and is the adaptable kind which can be worn either with daytime or evening frocks. Her gauntlet gloves are green suede. Faille sandals In the same shade and the tiny banding on her white pique off-the-face hat complete a stunning picture. 

Cape Sets Off Gown. 

A CLEVERLY designed sleeve cape features a striking evening gown of gold lame designed by Newman for Miss Ball to wear on ceremonial occasions.  The cape is merely a pair of sleeves banded with sable.

The gown is styled with a high neckline, slightly cowled and straight skirt with gracefully draped train. At the waistline, a vertical row of tiny tucks creates the effect of a wide, gathered girdle. With the ensemble, Miss Ball wears two wide bracelets made of gold leaves, a coronet of gold leaves In her hair, and gold leather sandals. 

“Money does not play as important a part as good taste in the well-dressed woman wardrobe,” Mr. Newman told your correspondent. “Some of the richest star here are the worst dressed. One of Lucille own self-designed dresses cost her $9 – the hat $7 or $8 – and the shoes – these have to be expensive to be good – $15. The complete ensemble, $30. I know many stars whose gowns cost $200 each without achieving for them the effect of Lucille’s inexpensive print.

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Bernard Newman (1903-1966) spent  twelve years at Bergdorf-Goodman in New York, initially as a window dresser. He eventually worked his way up to chief designer. He then moved to Hollywood, working at RKO from 1934 to 1936, designing gowns for several musicals starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. He returned to Bergdorf-Goodman afterward, but continued working for film occasionally.  Newman designed for five films starring Lucille Ball between 1935 and 1936. 

Julie Carter (1913-1991) was an actress best known for The Boys from Syracuse (1940).

Gloria Stuart (1910-2010) appeared with Lucille Ball in 1933′s Roman Scandals. She is perhaps best known for playing Old Rose in Titanic (1997). 


Priscilla Lawson (1914-1958) was crowned "Miss Miami Beach” in 1935 and found work as an Earl Carroll chorus girl in an area casino. Her pageant title caught the eye and attention of Universal Pictures and earned her a contract. Her uneventful career ended in 1941 with an uncredited role in Billy the Kid

An ideal travelling outfit of hunter green mohair taffeta, printed with tiny rings of white. The three-quarter, short-sleeved coat is white sharkskin and can be worn either with daytime or evening frocks. Gloves are green suede and sandals are the same shade. 

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