April 6, 1953


The cover of the April 6, 1953 issue of LIFE depicted TV’s First Family: Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Lucie, and Desi Jr. 

Lucille Ball appeared on the cover of LIFE twice more: in 1962 and 1976. The photo magazine was a weekly from 1936 to 1972 and a monthly from 1978 to 2000.  It maintained a web presence until 2012.  


“Lucy’s Boys: One at Home Means Pair on TV”


The photographs show the Simmons Twins, who played Little Ricky, with their mother, their grandmother, their nurse, and an on-set social worker. By the time this issue was published, the Simmons Twins had already filmed their last episode. The Mayer Twins would assume the character in October 1953. 


This cover of LIFE inspired Lucy and Desi to create the episode “Ricky’s Life Story” (1953), which featured an inside spread of photos on the Ricardo family , just like the real LIFE looked at the Arnaz family at home. Although the props department used a real cover, the inside photos above only appeared on the air. 


When this issue hit the stands, “I Love Lucy” was preparing to film “Lucy’s Last Birthday” (ILL S2;E25). 

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