February 4, 1934

Six beautiful poster and magazine ad models, whose faces have become 

famous through the nation, worked with Eddie Cantor in Samuel Goldwyn’s new production, Roman Scandals.

From left to right they are: 

  • Vivian Keefer, the Listerine girl; 
  • Jane Hamilton and Bonnie Bannon, Palmolive Soap models; 
  • Katharine Mauk, Lucky Strike girl; 
  • Barbara Pepper, Fisher Body and Gotham Hosiery girl 
  • Lucille Ball, Chesterfield cigarette girl. 

They have joined the “Buy Now” campaign. They are now playing at Loew’s Grand.

The Buy Now Campaign (aka Buy Blue Eagle) was part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NRA) of September 1933. To mobilize political support for the NRA, the “NRA Blue Eagle” publicity campaign was rolled out. Consumers were encouraged to buy products and services only from companies displaying the Blue Eagle banner.  

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