October 13, 1904

Bennett Green was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, on October 13, 1904. He is primarily remembered as Desi Arnaz’s camera and lighting stand-in on “I Love Lucy” but also frequently appeared on camera. 

His first screen appearance was uncredited, in the Universal serial Raiders of Ghost City (1944). 

His first appearance on TV was in the “I Love Lucy” episode, “The Audition” (ILL S1;E6), just six weeks after its premiere mid-October 1951.  He went on to appear in at least 22 episodes (probably more), nearly always as a messenger or deliveryman, and most times uncredited. Sometimes he would have a line of dialogue. Here are some notable appearances: 

In “Breaking the Lease” (ILL S1;E18) Green played a scruffy bum at Ricky’s late-night living room concert, while Hazel Pierce (Lucille Ball’s stand-in) looks over his shoulder. 

In “Pregnant Women Are Unpredictable” (ILL S2;E11), Green plays a Deliveryman bringing Lucy a heart-shaped box of chocolates. This time he wears a mustache to look slightly different.  Lucy doesn’t bother to tip!  

Green was the orderly who apprehends a wild native witch doctor (aka Ricky) when “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16).

In order to patch things up between Lucy and Ricky (who he believes are feuding) Fred orders Lucy some flowers from Ricky with the help of Pete the florist played by Bennett Green in “The Black Eye” (ILL S2;E20).  Green is finally given a character name!  

In “Sentimental Anniversary” (ILL S3;E16), Green and Hazel Pierce (Lucy’s stand-in) are first through the door for the surprise party planned by the Mertzes. Little do they know the Ricardos are celebrating in the closet!  

In “The Matchmaker” (ILL S4;E4), Green is a Western Union messenger who delivers a telegram to announce that Dorothy ‘Spider’ and Sam ‘Fly’ have decided to tie the knot!  

Green and Hazel Pierce (behind Lucy) are dining in the Brown Derby booth next to William Holden in “Hollywood at Last!” (ILL S4;E16). 

During “The Fashion Show” (ILL S4;E20), Green appears in two different places at the same time: he is in front at the right of the stairs where the clothes are modeled, and he is also sitting behind Ethel at the back of the room!  Busy Bennett!

When “Ricky Sells the Car” (ILL S5;E4), Green delivers the train tickets that cause lots of confusion between the Ricardos and Mertzes. 

In “Homecoming” (ILL S5;E6), Green and Hazel Pierce are among the neighbors welcoming the Ricardos and Mertzes home from Hollywood. When their cab pulls up to 623 East 68th Street, Green is wearing one of Ricky’s jackets!  Camera and lighting stand-ins were required to be the same height and body size as the actors, even though they may not resemble them. They were not doubles, but stand-ins. 

In “Lucy Meets Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1), Lucy must convince the Yankee Stadium hot dog vendor (Green with a mustache) to swap clothes with her, which he does!  

Staying with the series to the very end, Green was in the crowd when “The Ricardos Dedicate a Statue” (ILL S6;E27) at Westport’s Yankee Doodle Dandy Day!

In 1959, when Lucy and Desi (as the Ricardos) turned up on “The Danny Thomas Show”, Bennett Green was in the background!  Needless to say, “Lucy Upsets the Williams Household” and causes chaos at Orbachs!

Having been present in the last scene of the half hour series, Bennett was also in the last scene of the hour-long series, the last time we see the Ricardos and Mertzes in April 1960, “Lucy Meets the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3) starring Ernie Kovacs. 

In 1961, Green did two episodes of CBS’s “Angel”, a show filmed at Desilu Studios. In one, he acted opposite Doris Singleton (aka Caroline Appleby). The short-lived series was created by Jess Oppenheimer. 

In October 1962, while Lucille Ball was premiering “The Lucy Show”, Green made a single appearance on Desilu’s “Fair Exchange” starring Eddie Foy Jr. and Victor Maddern. The series was best known for the debut of Judy Carne. 

When Lucille Ball finally returned to network television with “The Lucy Show” she employed Green as a background performer in at least ten episodes, probably more.  

When “Lucy Goes To Art Class” (TLS S2;E15), one of her classmates is Bennett Green. The instructor was played by John Carradine.  

During the run of “The Lucy Show” Lucille Ball presented a 1964 special titled “The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour” aka “Mr. and Mrs.” in which Bennett Green played a member of the board of directors of Consolidated Pictures; Lucy is President. 

He was a supermarket checker in “Lucy and Joan” (TLS S4;E4), where the Joan of the title was not Crawford, but Bennett!  

It’s a reunion of sorts when both Green and Hazel Pierce turn up as guests at a dude ranch in “Lucy the Rain Goddess” (TLS S4;E15). 

When Lucy Bags a Bargain” (TLS S4;E17) Green and Mrs. Carmichael both get to the sales table too late!  Sold out! 

When Lucy gets on the jury of a daytime drama (with Jane Kean) in “Lucy and the Soap Opera” (TLS S4;E19), Bennett Green is the jury foreman!  

When “Lucy Goes To A Hollywood Premiere” (TLS S4;E20), Mr. Mooney went as the guest of Mr. Albertini (Bennett Green) a fellow banker.  They are interviewed on the red carpet while Lucy is disguised as an usher! 

Bennett is ‘behind the camera’ when “Lucy Puts Main Street on the Map” (TLS S5;E18). 

When “Lucy Sues Mooney” (TLS S6;E12) Bennett Green appears as the Medical Attendant who wheels Lucy into court. 

Ironically, Green’s final appearance on “The Lucy Show” in “Mooney’s Other Wife” (TLS S6;E18) is as a Western Union telegram messenger, just as he was 15 years earlier on “I Love Lucy.”

After “The Lucy Show” Green retired from show business, never appearing in “Here’s Lucy” or any other show.  He died on September 8, 1982 at age 77.  

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