A Lucy-lovers guide for getting through the current health crisis. 


{Note: This is NOT medical advice and should not be taken as such. Things are changing constantly so please consult up-to-date news and information to guide your behavior. Updated July 31, 2020.}


First and foremost – WASH YOUR HANDS! Sing the “I Love Lucy” theme song while washing with hot, soapy water!  Do it often!


Don’t SHAKE HANDS, hug, or kiss!  For the time being, a nod, wave, or verbal greeting is best. Lucy’s friends Ralph & Ed got the message! 


At home and work, make sure to vigorously WIPE down all surfaces daily with a bacteria-killing agent.


Don’t TOUCH YOUR FACE!  Don’t put your fingers near your mouth, eyes, or nose!  If you do, repeat the above steps!


Keep up with the latest NEWS on what’s happening with the virus and how you can do your part to limit infection (yours and others) and save lives.


When in the company of others, especially strangers, stay at least SIX FEET APART. No close talkers!


Remember to steer clear of CROWDS. Even people without obvious symptoms can pass the virus on to you – and vice versa. Even if the group is less than the current government mandate, err on the side of caution and stay home.


Avoid PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. If you must use trains and buses, avoid peak hours. 


Carry HAND SANITIZER and WIPES with you when you venture out. Don’t be shy about using them.


Monitor the health of yourself and your family, but DO NOT SELF-DIAGNOSE or rely on out-of-date information. If in doubt, contact your health care professional. 


Keep your DOCTOR’S CONTACT INFO handy! If possible, you should not immediately burden the hospital emergency rooms without checking with a physician first.


If you do end up going to the HOSPITAL, be a patient patient. Remember that they are there to help you and MANY OTHERS so over-reacting to delays and inconclusive diagnoses out of frustration will not help.  


Wear a MASK when in public!  According to all medical authorities, face coverings help curb the spread of the Corona Virus and (most importantly) keep others safe if you are infected or asymptomatic!  Wear a mask!  


HOARDING and OVER-BUYING burdens our retail stores and creates shortages for everyone. Buy just what you need for a week or two!  


Instead of venturing out to the supermarket or a restaurant (if they are open), consider a HOME DELIVERY SERVICE. This limits or eliminates interpersonal contact and helps support retail establishments during the crisis.  


CHECK ON YOUR ELDERLY friends, neighbors, and relatives – but try to maintain social distancing rules. You could unwittingly pass the virus to your loved ones and that would be difficult to cope with.


Consider HELPING THOSE IN NEED. There’s always someone less fortunate. Acts of kindness are especially appreciated during times of crisis.


WORK FROM HOME if at all possible. Have a conversation with your employer about the possibilities. If it is not do-able, discuss how workplace conduct and procedures will be altered to promote health and safety. If you are sick – even just a little bit – STAY HOME! 


Practice SOCIAL DISTANCING by staying in your home as much as possible. At this time of crisis, it is imperative we isolate ourselves in order to contain the spread of the virus and not over-burden the health care system. Flatten the curve! 


To battle cabin fever (no pun intended), STAY IN TOUCH with friends and family to fight feelings of isolation or depression – especially if you live alone. Don’t be embarrassed to confide in them if you are scared or sick. We are all in this together!


If you are stressed (and who isn’t?), try MEDITATION or YOGA. Or just sit quietly and listen to the birds or your own heartbeat. It works wonders to promote inner peace. 


This is a good time to give the house a good spring CLEANING – in addition to your daily routine of home hygiene.


READING a good book helps pass the time and is a great diversion. Try to pick topics and stories that lighten your mood.


ARTS & CRAFTS PROJECTS also help pass the time and bring out the creative side of you.


Keep fit and healthy! Many public gyms may be closed, so keep fit by setting up a HOME GYM.  Even if you don’t have fancy equipment, you can designate a room or corner as the fitness area. Instead of barbells, lift paint cans or other heavy objects you find around the house.


Providing you can get hold of the ingredients, now might be a good time to try out that recipe you’ve been holding onto. BAKING and COOKING can make staying indoors a lot less dull and fill your home with amazing aromas!


It’s perfectly okay to go for a WALK or a HIKE, as long as you observe the social distancing rules of staying six feet away from others. Just watch your footing. There might not be anyone around to rescue you! 


Even if you just get out to WALK THE DOG, that’s something. 


Watch – or better yet make – HOME MOVIES. You can also do a podcast or Facebook Live to let people know what you are thinking and feeling.


Gather around the piano (or the karaoke machine) for a good old family SONGFEST. Music lifts the spirits. 


If you ever wanted to WRITE the great American novel, play, or your memoirs – now is the time! It could be the next “Forever Ember” or “Real Gone With the Wind”! 


Last, but certainly not least, you can watch TELEVISION!  Finally clear out your DVR or subscribe to a streaming service. Of course, there’s one show that never gets old….


If you really get bored, try to name the episodes that all of these screen grabs came from WITHOUT using Google!  


This crisis may go on for some time – and things may seem bleak – but remember that this – like most everything – is only temporary.  

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