On December 14, 2018, CBS broadcast a colorized version of “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25).  As usual, some moments of the original show were edited out to make room for more commercials.  Here’s what you missed…

Morning Coffee – The entire process of Lucy making coffee was cut, which includes Lucy ladling water into the kettle from the bucket, grinding the coffee by hand, and ending by cracking an egg into the kettle – as well as the shells! Ricky looks at her quizzically and she says 

“My grandmother was Swedish.”  

Whether Lucy is just joking or revealing something about her heritage is up for debate!

The Second Proof – When Lucy and Ethel come back “an hour later” (a rare use of super titles) the dough has doubled in size. A big chunk of physical comedy by Lucille and Vivian was cut dealing with the dough’s unwieldy size.  At first they are pleased.

“It’s a happy little loaf!” 

Picking up the loaf, its weight and size threaten to topple Lucy. 

But it is Ethel who ends up face down in the dough!  

Butt of the Joke – Another funny moment that ended up on the cutting room floor plays on Ethel’s weight, a topic that was often the source of humor in the series’ early years. 

FRED:Hey, Rick. Doesn’t Ethel look cute?  But what are you wearing that bustle for, honey. You don’t need it.” 

LUCY: “Don’t listen to him. You leave it on.”

ETHEL: “I’m not wearing a bustle.” 

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