The failure of “Life With Lucy” can be told through some of its quotes.  Although Lucille Ball went into the project with the best of intentions and more than 35 years of television experience, replicating the magic of her previous success was not to be.  

Embarking on the series, Lucille Ball was eager to get back to what she did best – television comedy.

Lucy: It’s so good to be here!”

Lucy: I feel like a kid again!”

Lucy: (gazing at herself in a mirror) “I still have it!”

Lucy: (to John Ritter) “I’m Lucy….er… Barker. I almost forgot my own name!”

But Lucille and Gale Gordon’s age and health were obvious and sometimes a problem.

Lucy: My mind is a blank!”

Kevin: My memory is slipping. I must be getting old.”

Lucy: (wearing a Statue of Liberty crown) “Remember the lady who had her hundredth birthday last summer?”
Mrs. Loomis:Did you get a lot of presents?”

John Ritter: “What difference does age make?”

Stanley: (to Curtis) “We’ve been through a lot together. From the pot-bellied stove to the microwave. Then back to the pot belly.”

Curtis: “You know me, always keeping up with the times.”
Lucy: “Yeah, he’s almost up to 1956.”

Lucy: Change is hard on everybody.”

Lucy: (to Curtis) “You’re not dead, you’re just not a lot of fun.”

The low ratings and scathing criticism of the show upset Lucille Ball. The writing was on the wall.

John Ritter: “It’s an ugly little story.”

Lucy: (to Melvin) “The free ride is over!”  

Margo: (to Lucy, who is laughing) “It’s not really funny, Mom.”
Lucy: (stops laughing) “No, not really.”

Curtis: From now on, when you hear the name McGibbon, you’ll think fertilizer!”

Curtis: (to Lucy) “On Sunday morning, I would like a few Lucy-free minutes!”

Curtis:M isn’t there anymore.  M retired and is having the T of his L.”

Lucille Ball, facing the cancellation of “Life With Lucy” and the death of Desi Arnaz, grew despondent, feeling that America did not want her anymore.

Lucy: I really messed things up.”  

Lucy: I’m just a big flop.”

Lucy: “I can’t sing, I can’t dance, I can’t tell jokes, I can’t do magic. I’m a well-rounded flop!”  

Kevin:I guess it was a mistake.  A tragic, tragic mistake!”

Lucy: Being despised takes a lot out of you.”

Lucille Ball never really bounced back after the cancellation of “Life With Lucy”, although she tried. She never acted on TV again but made some television appearances. 28 months later, Lucille Ball died, leaving a legacy of more than 260 hours of series television.

Lucy: “It’s time that I started to make some new memories instead of re-living my old ones…”

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