“Lucy Hates to Leave”


(S6;E16 ~ February 4, 1957) Directed by William Asher. Written by Madelyn Martin, Bob Carroll, Jr., Bob Schiller, and Bob Weiskopf. Filmed December 13, 1956 at Ren-Mar Studios. It was the 169th episode of 179. Rating: 42.5/57

Synopsis ~ While waiting to close on their new home in Connecticut, the Ricardos must move in with the Mertzes, something they previously did at the end of season 3 in “The Sublease” (S3;E31)


Worried about paying off his mortgage, Ricky says he’ll be 56 in 20 years. In reality, Desi Arnaz was 40 at the time of the filming, so he would be almost 60. Naturally, Lucy declines to discuss her age in 20 years time, but Lucille Ball would have been 45 in 1977.

RICKY: “Maybe I can get a hit record or something.”
LUCY: “You never had one before.”


Oops! When a worried Lucy gets out of bed at 4am there is already a smoldering cigarette in the ashtray, despite the fact that both Lucy and Ricky went to bed an hour earlier, a long time for a cigarette to smolder. 


This is the second episode to feature a special close-up of the Ricardo’s ‘Dorm’ model Telechron electric alarm clock. The first was “Little Ricky Gets a Dog” (S6;E14), two weeks earlier. As per company policy, the electric cord is not shown in photographs! 


FRED: “This is getting to look like the will-call department at Macy’s!” 

The writers were so detailed about how they wanted the Mertzes crowded apartment to look after the Ricardos moved in that they even drew a diagram in the script to specify the placement of the boxes.


Macy’s was where Lucy first met Orson Welles. The sporting goods and record department was recreated on the Desilu soundstage (above). Macy’s was mentioned in several episodes and a soundbyte of Lucy talking about the store (”I found a lot of nice things. At Macy’s”) was used in the television advertising. 


Lucy sets aside a box to donate to the Salvation Army. In 1947, movie star Lucille Ball helped promote the opening of their ‘Red Kettle Season’. 


The organization was satirized in “Lucy’s Last Birthday” (S2;E25) as “Friends of the Friendless.”


In the crowded Mertz apartment the Anchor Hocking fishbowl that is home to Little Ricky’s goldfish Mildred and Charles is atop the piano. Fred refers to the fish as “Moby,” a reference to the novel and film Moby Dick.

We see only one fish. What happened to the other fish?

The parakeet cage against the wall is home to Alice and Phil (after Phil Harris and Alice Faye). They were all first seen in “Little Ricky Gets a Dog” (S6;E14). 


Little Ricky has packed Fred (the dog) and is ready for the move. Little Ricky is played by Richard Keith and Fred the dog by Danny. 


Gene Reynolds (Mr. Taylor) started to transition from acting to writing / producing the same year this episode aired. He went on to be nominated for 24 Emmy Awards, winning 6 for such shows as “Room 222,” “Lou Grant,” and “M*A*S*H.”  


Selling their furniture to the new tenants, Lucy is horrified to learn that Mrs. Taylor wants to use her own lampshade, paint the coffee table black, and saw the legs off the sofa. Lucy ends up buying most of her furniture back, rather than see it ruined. Mary Ellen Kay (Mrs. Taylor) had a minor role in the 1950 film A Woman of Distinction, which featured Lucille Ball in a cameo.


Ricky sentimentally says that they’ve spent “15 wonderful years in this apartment.” Actually, they only moved into apartment 3-D four years ago having spent 11 years (or at least since the fall of 1951) living in the smaller apartment 4-A upstairs. 


When Lucy and Ethel reminisce about the fun times they’ve had together, they mention Lucy being locked in the trunk (“The Passports” S5;E11)… 


…Lucy wallpapering Ethel into the closet (“Redecorating” S2;E8)…


…and the day the pressure cooker exploded (“Job Switching” S2;E1) – all of which happened in apartment 4-A. 

Oops! About the last memory, Lucy recalls that “it took two days to get the chicken fricassee off the ceiling.“ Actually, it was Ricky’s arroz con pollo (chicken and rice) that was in the exploding pressure cooker, not fricassee.


When Ethel leaves Lucy in the apartment alone for a few minutes (90 beautifully wordless seconds, to be exact), Lucy tearfully gazes around the apartment that she (as well as we, the viewers) will never see again.


Johnny Jacobs (Announcer): “’I Love Lucy’ starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz has been presented for your pleasure by Instant Sanka, the hearty coffee you can drink as strong as you like, it still can’t upset your nerves.”

One wonders if the Taylors might still be living happily in apartment 3-D at 623 East 68th Street!


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